Saturday, February 29, 2020

Art Since 1945 12/07 Flashcards Example for Free (#1945)

Art Since 1945 12/07 related essay Chris Brown and Michael Jackson Mass immigration in the period 1945-c.70 a 1900 – 1945: Role of Women Innovator of the Modern Art Jeff Koons and Unknown Artist Art Appreciation Does Having a Recognizable Art or Design "Style" Limit One's Creativity? Art History - Modern Art:The Scene Since 1945 Art Quiz Artist 2 - Andy Warhol Marilyn Diptych, 1962 company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Significance: -An overall composition with the only foreground that was created freely by letting paint freely move -canvas on the floor, the paint was dumped on the canvas – painting is very thick- used industrial house paint – Patriotic expression and style – an American style – Part of the work is knowing how Pollock does it -Inspired by native American sand paintings (sand design) Significance: – A challenge to question whether it is an object or fine art – Gets rid of individual expression of artist – Ironic message – recognizable image of recognizable celebrity put on gold background compared to the past of putting gold behind religious subjects – Iridescent gold on canvas with paint for marilyn’s image/silkscreen Significance: – Artist said anything can be a commodity and so he found an area in the air, called it a zone of immaterial pictorial sensibility – The artists threw a customer’s gold in the river, wrote a receipt, burnt the receipt and threw the ashes into the river – commenting on consumer culture by destroying the idea of physical art – the idea that â€Å"anyone will buy anything that is considered art† Significance: – Large, colossal, displaced land called Land art – Took tons of black basalt rocks to create this land art – Idea was focused on displacement, destruction and direction – Sometimes visible, sometimes not – Non-Traditional art Significance: – 13 plates on each side totalling 39 plates since it is a triangle – Each side relates to a time period – Made to give credit to women since they do not get much credit in history – Collaborative work of all women, different embroidery, carpenters, etc – shows all different contributions of women throughout time – Shaped like an equilateral triangle to symbolise equality – The floor contains 999 names of different women -Banal: every day, unimportant things that are not noticeable – but often precious moments – Sculpted by traditional sculptors, experts of porcelain, European craftsman – not ready-made sculpture which is a common misconception – A life-sized sculpture of Micheal and his pet monkey Bubbles – The sculpture comments about race and America, changing appearance to be famous, Michael Jackson’s skin – Inspired by pieta – comparing Jackson to Mary holding Jesus We will write a custom sample essay on

Thursday, February 13, 2020

HRM-Behavior and Management in Organisations Research Paper

HRM-Behavior and Management in Organisations - Research Paper Example Weber has defined charisma as, ‘a certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which s/he is set apart from ordinary people and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader’. Weber also explains, ‘resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him’ (Beer, Lawrence, Quinn Mills and Walton, 1985).Leaders irrespective of their styles i.e. charismatic, authoritative or even a transformational requires having a team and followers to be able to lead them. Hence it is clear that a leader only leads the way and helps the others to follow him and meet the goals of the organization. In situ ations where the leaders require having the complete support of the followers, the most effective form of leadership again is the charismatic leadership (House & Shamir 1993). A few of the best examples of charismatic leaders include Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Joseph Smith and also Wener Erhard. The contributions of these leaders have been very high and have impacted their organizations in a number of positive manners. It is clear from the above discussion that the charismatic leaders are very effective irrespective of how big or small the problem is. Also, the impact of the actions of these leaders is very high on the overall business. It is also important to understand that there are a number of similarities between the transformational leaders and the charismatic leaders. One of the major differences is the focus of these leaders.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The End of the Vietnam War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The End of the Vietnam War - Essay Example Nixon declared in 1969 that he would prolong the American involvement in the Vietnam War, in order to conclude the conflict and acquire â€Å"peace with honor† for the United States and for its partner, South Vietnam (U.S. Department of State, no date). Nixon defined his policy as â€Å"Vietnamization,† where the South Vietnamese aimed to attain greater combat functions, as Americans slowly withdrew from Vietnam (Simon, 2002). Vietnamization needed time, however, and to buy time, Nixon convinced the American public that the war had to be extended to attain peace. His popular vote margin in the 1968 election was â€Å"razor thin,† but to his advantage, the Democratic coalition was devastated in 1968 and political opportunities abounded (Simon, 2002). The administration maximized these opportunities through a â€Å"politics of polarization,† where they tapped the â€Å"silent majority,† while trying to isolate opponents and categorize them as differen t forms of extremists (Simon, 2002). This included defining the efforts of the anti-war movement in negative ways and maligning the media, whose role in influencing the support for the war had increased. America prolonged the war through bombing North Vietnam after failed negotiations efforts. Communist North Vietnam's leaders believed that they had time enough to delay the negotiations, which they did. In March 1972, they tried to sidestep negotiations altogether with a full-scale incursion of the South (U.S. Department of State, no date). The United States called it as the Easter Offensive and the North Vietnamese seemed to win. By late summer, nonetheless, Nixon's used American air power to dent the offensive. In response to this air power, the North Vietnamese started to negotiate once more (U.S. Department of State, no date). In early October, American and North Vietnamese representatives had a meeting in Paris. By October 11, they generated a peace agreement. The key component s included a cease-fire in place 24 hours after signing the agreement; U.S. forces and all foreign troops would pull out from South Vietnam no later than 60 days after signing the agreement; and American prisoners would be released concurrently with the pulling out of American and foreign forces. On October 22, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu stopped the talks. He did not support the cease-fire agreement, because it left thousands of North Vietnamese soldiers in South Vietnam, who could strategically continue the war, as the Americans departed (U.S. Department of State, no date). To get Thieu’s support, the Americans restarted negotiations with the North Vietnamese. The North Vietnamese got offended and negotiated other issues too and by December, the talks caved in. The War Raged On Nixon argued that with failed diplomacy, only force can be used to force Hanoi to negotiate with the United States. The President instructed his military commanders to mine Haiphong H arbor and to begin a nonstop air campaign in the Hanoi-Haiphong region. On December 26, the North Vietnamese decided to renegotiate with the U.S. on early January. On January 1973, the Americans and North Vietnamese reached a settlement and all parties signed the final agreement in Paris on January 27. America, however, was the only one who